Healthcare & Pharma

We advise and litigate on all kinds of issues that (suppliers and partners of) healthcare institutions and professionals in healthcare and pharmacy have to deal with.

Healthcare administrators and healthcare providers who are confronted with constantly changing laws and regulations, require a legal expert who speaks the language and offers them added value in a (cost and time) efficient way: a solution instead of possibilities. This certainly also applies to (commercial) suppliers and partners of care-related parties.

The PCDA team consists of legal specialists who know their own specialism (such as competition law, partnership issues and cooperation agreements, taxation, applicable healthcare legislation, privacy, labor law, etc.) and the sector through and through.

More and more, this applies in an international context, in which case we work closely with excellent lawyers, tax advisers and accountants all over the world, through our international partnership ANTEA. Necessary, because international rules often apply that your existing advisors may not be familiar with. The result is clear advice and a good and understandable recording.

We specialize in this jurisdiction

Gijs van Poppel
